Attention Juniors!! The PSAT Registration Deadline is TODAY! Visit MySchoolbucks to register or, check your email for further details!

Did you know that Barrington High School, @bhs_ri, is in the process of engaging in high school redesign with @XQamerica? Read more about it here http://bit.ly/2mjDTcC and learn more about it here https://youtu.be/_GLEFuTTOz0 Share your ideas w/Principal Hurley & the Design Team!

PSAT Registration Reminder! The deadline for juniors to register for the PSAT is Friday, 9/20! Visit MySchoolBucks to register!

The Elks Most Valuable Student Scholarship is available. Applicants are also eligible to receive 1 of 40 RI State Elks Association Scholarships ranging from $800 to $1100. Information and instructions for applying online are located in School Counseling.

Applications are now open for 2020 Prudential Spirit of Community Awards, honoring students in grades 5-12 for making meaningful contributions to their communities through volunteer service. Applications can be found at nassp.org/spirit Deadline is November 5th, 2019

Just a reminder that the Chromebook Insurance window closes on Friday, September 20th. For Insurance information, copy and paste this URL into your browser:
http://bps1-1.weebly.com/insurance.html or visit the BHS Technology Chromebook page.

A reminder to all students and families that tomorrow is CPT( Common Planning Time) at BHS. Students should report to their F period class at 8:59am (Day 4). Anyone arriving before this time must go to the cafeteria or library only. Buses will still run as scheduled.

BHS bus 6 is running about 15-20 minutes late this morning

College Visit 9/12/19 9:00 -Washington University at St. Louis; 9:30 - Brown University

A reminder to all students and families that tomorrow is the first CPT at BHS. Students should report to their D period class at 8:59am (Day6). Busses will still run as scheduled. The library will be closed until 8:15am.

BHS Bus #12 is running at least 30 minutes late this afternoon.

BHS busses running late this afternoon. The last bus left the parking lot at 3:35pm

Barrington students, parents, teachers, and staff were greeted by a beautiful day to begin the new school year. Welcome Back @bps_ri

@PawSox posted "We can’t wait to honor the Barrington Little Leaguers tomorrow (8.31.19)! Half the proceeds of every ticket sold through this link will go directly back to Barrington Little League, so help us spread the word!" 🎟 https://bit.ly/2ZoQQoa
@RI_Barrington @bps_ri

The Town of Barrington is excited to invite you to the Ribbon Cutting and Dedication of Coach Murgo Lane.
Friday, September 6, 2019 at 11:00 AM at the entrance to Palmer Pointe between 97 and 93 Sowams Road, Barrington.

Click to watch the @bms_ri 18 Months of Construction and Demolition from start to finish in under 60 Seconds! https://www.barringtonschools.org/o/barrington-schools/page/bms-construction-time-lapse-video

Opportunities to tour the New Barrington Middle School: Sat., Aug. 24, 2019: Community Tour from 9 am to 12 pm. Mon., Aug.26, 2019: Ribbon Cutting Ceremony & a tour of the new building from 9:00 am - 10:00 am. Mon., Aug. 26, 2019: Community Tour 5 pm to 8 pm

Barrington Little League Moves to World Series!!! https://www.wpri.com/news/barrington-little-league-wins-new-england-regional-now-heads-to-little-league-world-series-in-williamsport-pa/

Demolition has begun at Barrington Middle School! Watch it live by clicking here: https://www.senserasystems.com/public/project/BarringtonMS

Opportunities to tour the New Barrington Middle School:
Sat., Aug. 24, 2019: Community Tour from 9 am to 12 pm. Mon., Aug.26, 2019: Ribbon Cutting Ceremony & a tour of the new building from 9:00 am - 10:00 am. Mon., Aug. 26, 2019: Community Tour 5 pm to 8 pm