Congratulations to the Class of 2022!!!!!
Go to the Eagles News Network for tapings of all end of the year events!!!
- Parents are asked to send a note, email, or call the office no later than 9:00a.m. with any dismissals, tardies, or absences. We ask that you do not call at the time that you want your child dismissed. Advance notice allows the office staff time to update the database alerting teachers of daily attendance ahead of their arrival or departure
- June 8 - BHS Boosters (7:00PM)
- June 10 - Shakespeare Festival (School Day)
- June 14 - Senior Project - Junior Pitchfest (8:10-9:00AM)
- June 15 - Fall Sports Meeting - Victory Field Bleachers (6:00PM)
- June 20-22 - Grade 9-11 Final Exams
- June 23 - Last Day for Students
- June 24 - PD Day Teachers
- June 27 - PD Day Teachers
Important Links as we head into the summer
- BHS SAT CAMP - Sign up Early
- BHS Summer-Reading Requirements & Booklist
- BHS Library Newsletter
- 2022-2023 District Calendar
Feel free to contact our School Resource Office whenever you feel necessary at:
Dave Wyrostek 401-437-3930 (station number) dwyrostek@barrington.ri.gov
David J. Wyrostek Barrington Police Department Patrolman/SRO 100 Federal Rd, Barrington RI, 02806 401-437-3930 401-437-3939 (fax) barringtonpolice.org
- COVID Testing Consent Form
- Tech Support - Who & Where to find answers for all technology questions
- Technology On-line Help Desk Ticket