
Extended CPT Tuesday, February 7th :

We will run a special extended CPT this Tuesday morning, the 7thSchool will start at 10:00 AM for all students. The reason for the delayed start is so that teachers can read senior project research papers in the morning-an important graduation requirement for seniors. Students taking the bus should add 1 hour and 30 minutes to their regular stop times. Attached is our modified bell schedule for the day.


Barrington Parent Association - Meeting Tuesday, February 7th at 7pm
BHS Library and a Zoom option is included below: 

Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/5840528807?pwd=WncvRlQ1M2grM25XaW5YVndTYVMwdz09 Meeting ID: 584 052 8807 Passcode: 174461

We will be starting the conversation this Tuesday evening, the 7th, at 7:00 PM in the BHS library when our school counseling Department Chair, Ms. Corry, visits our Parents Association meeting to talk more about student course registration requirements, elective courses, and the diversity of academic paths available. We will also have a representative from AfterProm coming to give an update. We hope you can join us. 


Important Upcoming Dates


Student Opportunities 


What is Barrington AfterProm

Save the Date 

  • Tuesday, March 28th - Flat Bread Night and Silent Auction 
  • Saturday, April 1st - Clothing Drive with the Epilepsy Foundation 
  • May 19-20 - Senior Prom and AfterProm


FBLA Needs your Help


Click HERE for all SENIOR Yearbook Information and deadlines.

2/1/23-2/28/23                 $85.25 3/1/23-4/7/23                   $105.25


Books are not available after April 8th 2023.  There will not be a wait list


Important Links:

WORKING PAPERS   - Working papers can be obtained in the School Counseling office.  Please see Mrs. Lamanna for details.


  • If your child tests positive for COVID, please call the office with their absence  so the office can document it.   Please also email or call nurse, Tammy Lafreniere at Lafrenieret@barringtonschools.org or 247-3155 as well
  • Students can return on Day 6 if they are fever free and will need to wear a mask for the next 5 days.